Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My (Talking) Heart is broken into two parts!

My (talking) heart will be divided into two parts hereafter.
I will keep one part here and the other one on another page on the net to share more things with you on continuous basis on the other page called; UFWA.
(UFWA) Unidentified Flying Words in the Air is a blog of wandering words and prohibited verses that do not come out of mind but out of a heart. These words if not called poems are somehow to form a kind of poetic rhythm in the air through reflections of love and life and intend to enter right into the hearts as they came from a heart.
Italian is not my first language though, but recently I have been able to gain some skills in writing short poem-like sentences which has been easier for me than prose.
Since the flower of my Italian is blooming, I have been written so-called poems in Italian some of which are already admired by my Italian friends and this fact gave me more energy and courage to continue and write more and more of them.
So far I have written a thirty of them and the number of them is increasing day after day I hope.

This blog at the end of the day will be published in the form of a poetry book (if found an editor/publisher) and is dedicated and the royalty incomes will be allocated to a Kabul orphanage and a drug- addicted curing point based in Kabul.

Therefore any kind of use or repetition of these words in any print or online page is not allowed unless asked the permission from the blog owner.

So please read the page and enjoy: UFWA (Unidentified Flying Words in Air)

Mohammad Amin Wahidi

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fuckaldo Kuee: I’m Lost in Translation!

When I will learn Italian perfectly, God knows only, but I am sure for one thing and that is; I will make many embarrassing experiences until I perfect my Italian.

Like in many other languages in Italian as well there are certain expressions and “modi di dire” that are not translated literally otherwise their meanings are totally different.

“Prendere (qualcuno) in giro” literally in translation could mean “taking (someone) to a walk, a drive or a ride” but the expression means “making fun of (someone)” or “making joke on (someone)” or “teasing some one”.

“Dare una mano” means “giving a hand” or “helping” so in this case “chiedere una mano” or “chiedere a qualcuno a dare una mano” means “asking a hand” or asking someone to give a hand or help or asking for “someone’s help” while “Chiedere la mano di qualcuno” is totally different, that means to court someone! “Dare la mano” especially for girls means “giving an OKAY for wedding or engagement request of a man”.

The first word that I always made mistake pronouncing it, was the Green Line Metro direction in Milan that is called “Cologno” the name of a place, which is very similar in pronunciation to the word “Coglione” that means “testicles” and that is used a lot on daily basis anywhere you go.

It is may be because, there are fewer letters in Italian alphabet, therefore the words are very similar very little spelling differences.

My Chatting Errors!

A few days ago, when I needed a help in translation of something, I began looking for friends here there to see who could help me out. While chatting with a friend I needed her help for that translation of some pages from English into Italian. And this is the result you see below.

Embarrassing Chatting Error 1 (in Italian)

A: Ciao …… come stai?

B: Bene, bene, e tu?

A: Bene. grazie. Volevo chiederti una cosa.

B: Si, dimmi. Hai bisogno?

A: Voevo chiederti “la tua mano” per uan cosa.

B: Cosa?!! La mia mano?

A: Si.

B: Ma cosa stai dicendo?!

A: Si, ho qualche documento e volevo traddure in Italiano, da Inglese a Italiano.

B: e quindi?

A: Volevo che mi aiuasse!

B: Ah, okay. Ho capito. Ti serve “una mano”.

A: Esatto. Mi serve “la tua mano”!

B: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, No! In Italiano non si dice “la tua mano” altrimenti ti capiscono male. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Va bene allora, mandamelo, ti aiuto io!

A: Grazie.

B: Ma figurati! Mi avevi spaventato! Ha ha ah a

A: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ma perche’?

Embarrassing Chatting Error 2 (in Italian)

A: Sai che da quando ci siamo visti l’altra volta, ho sempre desiderato di rivederti ogni giorno!

B: Grazie!

A: Sai che sei bella, la piu’ bella ragazza che ho conosciuto in tutta la citta’!

B: Ma dai, “mi prendi in giro”, direi.

A: Si! Quando vuoi!

B: Ma che deficiente che sei!!

A: Se vuoi “ti prendo in giro”, facciamo un bel giro, non lo so dove, andiamo da qualche parte nella citta’, forse tu conosci la citta’ meglio di me.

B: ah, mmmm, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha che strano che sei!

A: Ma perche?

B: Niente! Si, e’ una bella idea!

A: Quindi ci sei?

B: Si, usciamo fine settimana, ti va bene?

A: Si va bene! Ma una cosa, non avevo capito, la parola “difficente?”

B: Lascia peredere, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha