Monday, February 16, 2009

I, the Red Apple and the Doctress

Suffering from “having no one to love”, that I already discovered as a problem, but I always took it for granted, a friend told me to go to a doctor and ask why I was this way.

By chance, I went to doctor, indeed to a female one; “a doctress” and in the first visit I found that this doctor is the one I was looking for to rely on. Seeing her eyes I felt that I am entering into a new world. And as time passed I got better after I found someone while looking to her eyes, I thought my imaginations were being realized.

Then without taking any of medicines the doctor wrote on the prescription only by visiting the doctor, I felt that I was getting better.

One day by chance, some one, a friend, gave me a red apple; a full red apple, as red as a heart. I smelt it and it gave me a good savor and a sense. Any time by smelling it, I felt fresher by its savor and as days passed the apple turned redder.

Slowly on there was no need to visit the doctor either, as the apple was good enough to make me feel better.

One day I decided to half the apple with the doctor, so to transfer my apple feeling to the doctor, as well.

When I went to the doctor for this purpose, she gave me the prescription and there was written on it; “an apple everyday, until you get better!”

As written on the prescription, I ate the red apple by myself and thereafter I eat an apple everyday but it is not inspiring anymore as the first red apple.

While I had already read it somewhere, “An apple a day keeps doctor away!” I didn’t go to the doctress anymore thereafter.

And now I feel I am sick again without the first red apple and the doctress!


Basir Seerat said...

good job my freind , realy intrasting blog.

Mansoureh H. said...

Lol, that was an awesome story! But you see the red apple can't last for too long as it rots over time, and needs to be constantly replaced by yet another one. And the doctoress?... my personal experience tells me that they are very unemotional creatures :D. So, neither is reliable for long. But the one you can always invest your love in, the one that would not betray, that would be more reliable, and always available ...would be just you - Your very self :)

Anonymous said...

Liked it. The Red Apple and The Doctress.